I’m on a watercolor kick lately.
I started out with these cookies a few weeks ago and I haven’t stopped since.
Maybe it’s because I’ve realized that I don’t have much skill when it comes to watercolor (at least not yet!), or maybe it’s because everything just looks so pretty with watercolor technique, but either way, I’m hooked.
I’m also totally ok with any DIY project that makes watercoloring look easy, because I realized that it’s definitely not!
Today’s project definitely has a watercolor touch and I love how they turned out!
These dip-dye favor bags are the perfect addition to your next party, will have your guests wondering when you had the time to pull them off, and totally cross that watercolor love off the list too.
They take almost no time at all to do and did I mention that they are easy, easy, easy to make?!
This whole project is a total win.
Anyone can help with them too, even the kiddos, but maybe put them in some play clothes before helping in case any fabric dye ends up on fingers or clothing! (It happens to me all the time and I have zero kids to blame. I never learn).
Here’s what you’ll need to make your own:
- Fabric Favor Bags – (these ones are great)
- Fabric Dye – any color (I used Rit dye in purple, violet, and aquamarine)
- Water
First, mix up your color bath!
In a shallow container, (I used an old glass baking dish to prevent any plastic from staining from the color) mix 3 cups of warm water with 3 capfuls of your dye. This will make enough to do a large number of favor bags.
I usually like my color really vibrant so I tend to use a good amount of dye. I am also super impatient, so I also use more dye to prevent me from having to dip multiple times to achieve the color I want!
Next, place your favor bag into the dye/water mixture and allow it to hang over the side of the dish so that some of the bag stays the natural color. You can choose how much of the bag you want to dye by dipping more or less of the bag in the dye mixture.
Depending on your fabric, it might want to float on top of the dye mixture instead of sinking into the color, so to remedy this, I just used a fork and placed it right on top of my bag to hold it down.
Next, just let your favor bag hang out in the bath for a few minutes. 5 minutes is perfect.
Once it’s set for a few, remove the bag and rinse it in hot water.
The color will be darker while the bag is wet, but will lighten up a bit as it dries.
Allow the favor bags to dry completely before using.
With this Summer heat, I let mine dry outside for a few hours and flipped them once or twice to ensure they dried on both sides.
These little guys are too cute and add such a fun touch to what would have been an ordinary favor!
I love that they look a lot like watercolor too!
Pink and blue would be great for baby shower favors and a rainbow of colors would be so fun for an art party!
The possibilities for these dip-dye favor bags are endless!
These are darling!! I think I might have to make some hot pink bags for my bridal shower! -C
You should! They are SO easy to make and turn out really cute too! Hot pink would be awesome!