I’m a firm believer that the right playlist can set the mood and tone for an event. It doesn’t have to be anything complex and the event doesn’t have to be a big one to create a memorable moment. Something as simple as a dinner party is still a perfect opportunity to wow your guests. With a few simple decor ideas, a delicious menu, and the right playlist, you can transport your guests to that destination without ever leaving the table. This Portuguese dinner party playlist was curated to do just that!
In Portugal, Fado is a music genre that dates back to the 1820s, but was actually probably around much earlier!
Fado music can be about anything, but most follow a certain traditional structure. It’s generally composed of mournful tunes and matching lyrics. (Basically, sad and slightly depressing, ha). Although fado music is typically sad or melancholy, it’s also beautiful to listen to. When visiting Portugal a few years ago, we did a city tour with a local. He took us to a bar that’s generally frequented by locals only and where traditional fado music was being played. I felt like I had stepped back in time. It was amazing. The bar was tiny and everyone was nestled around tables that were too small. People had pulled up additional chairs and everyone was just listening. The room was silent other than the sound of a guitar and the women singing. It was breathtaking. It felt sad and her emotions carried through the music, but it was something amazing to witness.
Although I can’t have a traditional Portuguese Fado singer and guitarist come over to entertain my dinner party guests, I can do the next best thing, which is create a Fado playlist! For this Portuguese dinner party playlist, I added some traditional Fado songs and also some that are a bit more recent. Overall, it will definitely give your dinner party all the right vibes.
You can download the printable playlist here or follow along right over on Spotify here.
You can also pin the below image and save it for later too!
I hope this Portuguese dinner party playlist helps you and your guests feel a little bit closer to Portugal and the culture!
If you’re looking for the perfect Portguese dinner party menu, find part one here and part two here.
Where did you get your plates
I purchased them from a local store in Utah, but I did find similar options on Wayfair and Amazon. The 10″ Ceramic Avesta Dinner Plate from Target would also be perfect for this tablescape!